ohsowise's Recently Played Tracks

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Best of '08

So I've finalized my best of '08 list. Here's what I got (in random order):

Distrubia - Rihanna
Viva La Vida - Coldplay 
Sex on Fire - Kings of Leon
Lollipop - Lil' Wayne

Ready for the Floor - Hot Chip
Daylight - Matt and Kim
Lights Out - Santogold
Pork and Beans - Weezer
Electric Feel - MGMT
My Eyes - Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog Soundtrack
Ras Trent - Andy Samberg

Bleeding Love - Leona Lewis
Hit the Wall - Broken Social Scene presents Brendan Benson
Safety Bricks - Broken Social Scene presents Kevin Drew
White Winter Hymnal - Fleet Foxes

Not my best list, but not the best year. I dont' want to voice my opinion on each song, but a few random thoughts: 1. This list is a lot more "poppy" than previous lists, a lot more radio music. Probably a reflection of my eroding youth/hipness. 2. I didn't stick to the strick rule that this represents the best songs that I can fit onto 1 audio CD. Does anyone still listen to audio CD's? 3. Bleeding Love is a great song. Anyone who saw Mark and Chelsea's take on SYTYCD has gotta agree with me on that. 4. I can't get enough of Ras Trent "Me toil part time at jah Cold Stone Creamery". Kills me every time. 5. I recognize a few of these weren't officially released in '08 (Kevin Drew is '07 and Matt and Kim is '09), but I listened to them in '08, so ...

'09 looks to be pretty promising. I saw the Ting Tings at Glastonbury on Music HD and really liked Great DJ. Also, I read about Dent May on Rather Be Pogging yesterday, today I bought the album, bought tickets to the show at the Independent (Feb 28), and I'm trying to join the fan club.


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